• Ethereum addresses can't end in c, C, o, O, v, V due to EIP-55 checksum rules, which prevent case-sensitive ambiguities in some wallets.
• The more specific the ending of an Ethereum address, the longer it takes to generate one, as the process relies on random hashing, making rare patterns exponentially harder to find.
• Refreshing the page before an address has been computed will stop the ongoing computation process.
Estimated computation time:
1 matching character: ~ 60 seconds
2 matching characters: ~ 2 - 5 minutes
3 matching characters: ~ 5 - 15 minutes
4 matching characters: ~ 10 - 90 minutes
5 matching characters: ~ 4 - 8 hours
6 matching characters: ~ 3 - 6 days
7 matching characters: ~ 80 - 100 days
8 matching characters: ~ 3 - 4 years
9 matching characters: ~ 50 - 80 years
9+ matching characters: ~ unquantifiable
The address has been computed, how do I use it?
Simply import your address into the self-custody wallet of your choice to start using it.